Monday, April 27, 2009

A Fresh Start

So this is fairly new to me the whole blogging thing and I must admit I was inspired by someone on a forum I frequent to create a blog about my TTC journey and pregnancy when I actually am blessed enough to conceive. The beyond part is anything else I feel like sharing that day. =)

So to get caught up to speed... I am on my fifth cycle of trying to conceive (ttc) A cycle is one full time period starting with the first day of my period (af - aunt flo lol), to waiting to ovulate, and then through the whole lovely two week wait (TWW) to see if af comes or if I get my BFP (big fat positive hpt)

My husband first agreed to ttc our third child in January. I had wanted another child for almost a year before he finally conceded and said we could try. Each cycle was tough between trying to pinpoint when I was going to O (ovulate) and then waiting on pins and needles deciphering every possible thing that was going on in my body while I waited on af. At this point in it all I am finally starting to relax about it and stop trying to control everything. I read a post on my forum I go to and someone had said "the best things in life are worth waiting for" and that really inspired me because it is true. It will be all the sweeter when I do finally get pregnant for all the waiting and hoping.

That is really all I have for now, baby dust to all the ttcers out there who may read this.