Monday, June 22, 2009


Well a little late in posting but better late then never right? I got my BFP 6/11/09!!! As of today I am 5w 3days pregnant. I am over the moon happy about it. I was seriously starting to think it never would happen. Jer didn't seem super excited over it but he later explained to me he would get more excited as the time drew nearer.

As of this week my symptoms are, fatigue, heart palpatations, tender breasts, and every evening I feel very vaguely ill.

I have been feeling that it might be a girl (I know I know its way too early) but thats just my motherly inkling. Although I must say, I inkled my daughter was a boy and that my son was a girl. Maybe this is my time to be right. I don't want to find out till the baby is born. I don't know how my husband wants to handle it, if he wants to wait or not.

My girl name of the day is Arielle Faith and my boy name is Noah Raymond. :D