Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Week 14

Soooo its been a bit lol I'm a slacker.. I know this. Well everything is going swimmingly =) I am 14 weeks 5 days today. I had an ultrasound at 12 weeks and saw my next little boobaloo just floating around kicked back with ankles crossed, a hand thrown over the forehead lol. Baby's heartrate was 172 bpm. I am convinced it is a girl, have I mentioned this before? We have kinda sorta settled on Keirra as a name for a girl. I am still not all the way feeling it. I hope it will grow on me. For a boy name I am pushing Dominic, I won't give up!! As for finding out the gender or not, I finally convince Jer to not find out and I kind of want to know now. *sigh* I think I can wait though. This is my last chance to be surprised and what a wonderful surprise it will be!

Cravings- I was allll about the chicken salad for like a week, then got a bit turned off to it. I am very potato happy, and I also have a big yen for apples and peaches. Oh yes and I am quite newly taken with Iced coffees from Starbucks.

Big news!! I felt movement for the first time at 12weeks. I was sick that week and had taken to drinking tea to soothe my sore throat. Saturday night I drank some tea and about a half hour or so later I went to bed and put on the tv. I settled on my side because I have been getting stuck on my back pretty often and I felt a bunch of little movements. It went on for a good 10 minutes. I really didn't feel much the whole week and then week 13 I had random movements here and there, just really tiny ones. This week I feel alot more. It almost at times feels like there is a golf ball slowly rotating in there. I am so excited and can't wait for those really defined first little kicks. As for tummy wise I don't have too much of one yet. I do feel as though I have a decent sized waterballoon stuck in there. It feels weird. I am guessing in another 3-4 weeks I'll out of no where pop out a baby bump. Anyhoo that's all I have for now. =) Until the next time.