Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Week 14

Soooo its been a bit lol I'm a slacker.. I know this. Well everything is going swimmingly =) I am 14 weeks 5 days today. I had an ultrasound at 12 weeks and saw my next little boobaloo just floating around kicked back with ankles crossed, a hand thrown over the forehead lol. Baby's heartrate was 172 bpm. I am convinced it is a girl, have I mentioned this before? We have kinda sorta settled on Keirra as a name for a girl. I am still not all the way feeling it. I hope it will grow on me. For a boy name I am pushing Dominic, I won't give up!! As for finding out the gender or not, I finally convince Jer to not find out and I kind of want to know now. *sigh* I think I can wait though. This is my last chance to be surprised and what a wonderful surprise it will be!

Cravings- I was allll about the chicken salad for like a week, then got a bit turned off to it. I am very potato happy, and I also have a big yen for apples and peaches. Oh yes and I am quite newly taken with Iced coffees from Starbucks.

Big news!! I felt movement for the first time at 12weeks. I was sick that week and had taken to drinking tea to soothe my sore throat. Saturday night I drank some tea and about a half hour or so later I went to bed and put on the tv. I settled on my side because I have been getting stuck on my back pretty often and I felt a bunch of little movements. It went on for a good 10 minutes. I really didn't feel much the whole week and then week 13 I had random movements here and there, just really tiny ones. This week I feel alot more. It almost at times feels like there is a golf ball slowly rotating in there. I am so excited and can't wait for those really defined first little kicks. As for tummy wise I don't have too much of one yet. I do feel as though I have a decent sized waterballoon stuck in there. It feels weird. I am guessing in another 3-4 weeks I'll out of no where pop out a baby bump. Anyhoo that's all I have for now. =) Until the next time.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Week 10

Ok so I have been slacking a bit. I am 10w 4 days today. So far it's been pretty uneventful. My first real bout of sickness was 6weeks 4 days and that was the day I quit smoking :D It was so easy. Much more so then I would have expected for sure. For the most part though the sickness has been at an minimum. It's stronger at night somedays. Other days it's b/c I am hungry. Nothing like when I was pregnant with Laila and Ayden though. With those two I was sick allll day long. I have noticed I have a tendency to get dry mouth though O.o

I had my first U/S at 7 weeks 4 days and the baby looked like a little lime bean. We could see the little heart beating, it made me feel so good to see!

A couple of days ago I noticed I can feel the hard roundness starting between my pelvic bones. Its so exciting :D I also have noticed I am getting the same back pain I experienced after I had Laila. >.< I get stuck on my back alot and Jer laughs at me and says, "turtle, turtle, turtle."

I am convinced I am having a girl. I don't know why but that's what I think. I don't want to find out but Jer does. I am going to have to work on that *sigh*

Well until the next time :) I will try to do better in writing more often. I am just so darn tired all the time.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Well a little late in posting but better late then never right? I got my BFP 6/11/09!!! As of today I am 5w 3days pregnant. I am over the moon happy about it. I was seriously starting to think it never would happen. Jer didn't seem super excited over it but he later explained to me he would get more excited as the time drew nearer.

As of this week my symptoms are, fatigue, heart palpatations, tender breasts, and every evening I feel very vaguely ill.

I have been feeling that it might be a girl (I know I know its way too early) but thats just my motherly inkling. Although I must say, I inkled my daughter was a boy and that my son was a girl. Maybe this is my time to be right. I don't want to find out till the baby is born. I don't know how my husband wants to handle it, if he wants to wait or not.

My girl name of the day is Arielle Faith and my boy name is Noah Raymond. :D

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Ok so today isn't great, neither have been the past few days. I go alot on Baby Center and there is a particular board I stay on called TTC and free to be me. Two girls that are well known faces on there have gotten there pos preg tests in the past 3 days and although I am glad for them it makes me depressed. I am starting to worry if I am going to be able to have another child. Questions like what if something is wrong with me or my hubby are starting to float through my head. This past weekend was supposed to be my fertile weekend, the hubby and I had lovins twice and I am hoping that is enough. I still haven't gotten crosshairs on my chart for my temps so I don't even know if I ovulated yet. *Sigh* Update tomorrow I guess.

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Fresh Start

So this is fairly new to me the whole blogging thing and I must admit I was inspired by someone on a forum I frequent to create a blog about my TTC journey and pregnancy when I actually am blessed enough to conceive. The beyond part is anything else I feel like sharing that day. =)

So to get caught up to speed... I am on my fifth cycle of trying to conceive (ttc) A cycle is one full time period starting with the first day of my period (af - aunt flo lol), to waiting to ovulate, and then through the whole lovely two week wait (TWW) to see if af comes or if I get my BFP (big fat positive hpt)

My husband first agreed to ttc our third child in January. I had wanted another child for almost a year before he finally conceded and said we could try. Each cycle was tough between trying to pinpoint when I was going to O (ovulate) and then waiting on pins and needles deciphering every possible thing that was going on in my body while I waited on af. At this point in it all I am finally starting to relax about it and stop trying to control everything. I read a post on my forum I go to and someone had said "the best things in life are worth waiting for" and that really inspired me because it is true. It will be all the sweeter when I do finally get pregnant for all the waiting and hoping.

That is really all I have for now, baby dust to all the ttcers out there who may read this.